Bushwell Farm Newletter May 2024

Merry the border collie

Welcome to the latest Bushwell Farm newsletter which we send out once or twice a year.  Here’s our newest member of staff, Merry who you can see is rather fond of gardening!
Here’s what has been happening since I last wrote.

The Events Field
We’ve already held our first event of the season which was a role play birthday party complete with a demonstration sword fight!  The weather was wonderful and everyone seemed to have a lovely time.

The rest of the summer sees us hosting an extend camping weekend, several birthday parties and two weddings.
If you are looking to hold something similar we still have a little availability so just ask.
We are also putting on three events of our own which you might be interested in.  They all take place over the weekend 14th-16th June, 2024.

Where There's Brass

Friday, 14th June, 2024 - Where There’s Brass - Tom Kitching, musician and author.
Tom is one of the best folk fiddlers currently on the scene, but is also a very good writer.
He lives on a canal boat and enjoys a cheerful existence exploring England’s  watery by-ways. He is launching his latest book and album, Where There’s Brass at various gigs around the country including our farm. Where There’s Brass is a homage to the London waterways.  BBQ and licensed bar. Tickets are £12 and can be booked online:

Rye Sisters Workshop

Sunday, 15th June, 2024 - Sing A Little Country - Harmony Singing Workshop With The Rye Sisters - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
The Rye Sisters sing Bluegrass, Americana and Folk and are noted for their stunning arrangements and harmonies.  Their workshops are always great fun and suitable for everyone.  In other words, you don’t have to read music!
Cost: £32 which includes a hot lunch and one free ticket to their evening concert.  (See below).

Rye Sisters in concert at Folk on the farm

The Rye Sisters In Concert - Sunday, 16th June, 7.30 pm
This follows the workshop and is a full length concert featuring the Rye Sisters.
You can see them in action here:https://youtu.be/jXu7LKyMA_U?si=F2FaRM2TlexjDJVb
There will be a BBQ and a real ale bar.
Tickets £12

Draughtmans Corner

The Self Catering Studios
We have two of these one of which accepts dogs.  Each are self contained and furnished to a high spec.
They are situated in the heart of the National Forest and adjacent to a nature reserve with lots of good walking and historical places of interest.
Draughtmans Corner https://www.bushwellfarm.co.uk/selfcateringstudios/
The Luminaire


Beef Boxes
We will be having our first beef boxes later this year.  If you would like to be notified when they are ready t then email suek@bushwellfarm.co.uk

Out door cinema on the farm

Out Door Cinema
We now have a 20 ft screen for outdoor movies which can be hired for £100.  Makes a nice addition to a weekend event or we can tailor a one off evening.
(Don’t forget it needs to be fairly dark so after sunset depending on time of year.


What About The Animals?
Now the weather has finally picked up it’s been a very busy time on the farm with lots of new calves being born including the first male calf to be born in two years!
We also have some new cade lambs being bottle fed and currently enjoying the sunshine.


We also have some new cade lambs being bottle fed and currently enjoying the sunshine.
All the cattle are out in the fields and we’ve finally got the spring barley sowed which is now showing through nicely.

Have a lovely summer and hopefully see you on the farm sometime.

Best wishes,

Sue & Brian Kendrick
Bushwell Farm

If you are wondering why you are receiving this it is because you either came along to or expressed an interest in our Open Farm Sunday event, booked or enquired about our events field or stayed in one of our self catering studios.

If you don’t wish to receive any more news from us please email: suekendrick58@gmail.com with Unsubscribe in the Subject line.