Lammas Comes Early

Lammas Ale
Lammas is all about bread and corn, we had an abundance of it here!

If you are in tune with the agrarian calendar you’ll know that Lammas marks the start of the corn harvest and is traditionally celebrated on the 1st August or there abouts.
For ROOTS Community Singers Lammas came early this year due to the choir finishing for its summer break.
Celebrating with family and friends a lively social was held under canvas with lots of food, music, stories and poems contributed by choir members and friends.
Celebrating Lammas a little early!
Celebrating Lammas a little early!

As Lammas is all about corn, bread and flour, a bread making challenge was set with some mouth watering loaves contributing to the Lammas supper.  Judged by Calling Time who joined us for the evening, the fiercely fought contest was won by Carin Paap-ter Horst, (savory) and Alison Darwent (sweet), a stunning effort which tasted every bit as good as it looked!
Good luck to the harvest!
Good luck to the harvest!

Harvest is also about corn dollies which for the uninitiated are twisted talismans of corn stalks used as good luck charms.  Jane Reynolds demonstrated how to make a simple design which everyone was then invited to replicate.  Jane Mack was a worthy winner and is now assured of a garden over flowing with abundance!
Finally, you can’t have a Lammas Ale without a drop of … er ale!  This keg of home brew went down a treat!
Lammas Ale
A drop of good stuff!

About farmersue

Part time farmer, morris dancer and writer.

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